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badbrain 25.
panel 1. badbrain says, ok so how is this grief thing different from PTSD?
panel 2. mainbrain says, well, with PTSD, first there is exposure to death, violence, or major injury.
panel 3. badbrain says, geez, that's on tv every day!
panel 4. mainbrain says, this is different. baically, a person has to DIRECTLY experience or witness a traumatic event, or learn about something horrible happening to a close friend or family member. badbrain says, so you can't be traumatized by something on TV?
panel 5. mainbrain says well, according to the criteria set forth by the DSM-5, you can, but only if it is for work. Like, if you are working undercover to catch sexual predators, or if you are an EMT and have to pick up body parts or something.
panel 6. badbrain says, so basically, if your life was on the line, that equals a traumatic event, and you have PTSD?
panel 7. mainbrain says, not exactly. There's more to it than that. Plus, if you're wondering, you should contact a clinician who is licensed in your jurisdiction. badbrain says my juristdiction is your BRAIN! you should contact a licensed clinician!
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