Badbrain Logo

kerms is a person who happens to have 
experienced a variety of mental health 
symptoms. kerms also happens to be a 
licensed professional counselor in the 
state of south carolina, and a licensed 
mental health counselor in the state of 
iowa. obviously, kerms also likes to draw. 

kerms strongly belives in the importance 
of being honest about your thoughts,
 and sincerely hopes that badbrain the 
comic will help start conversations 
about mental health improvement and 
optimization. you know, because the brain
is like a muscle. let’s all get 

if you have recommendations for future
badbrain direction, please feel free to 
click the “contact” button below.

if you are experiencing thoughts of suicide 
or self harm, stop reading and please call 
       911 or 1-800-273-8255

if you believe that you may benefit from 
non-emergent professional assistance,
 please visit any of the following sites for
counselors who are not kerms. (well... kerms
MIGHT be there, but this site is not about advertisement 
for kerms’ professional practice. it’s about expression 
and conversation. because sometimes thoughts and feelings
 and behaviors are funny or sad or scary. but they are 
always valid. and always worth talking about.) of course, 
this list is not exhaustive, and kerms 
is happy to update it with any recommended 
legitimate sites if you click the contact 
button below.

thank you.

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