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badbrain 22.
panel 1. badbrain says, you hvae entered the great nothing. mainbrain says, no I haven't. there are infinite possibilities!
panel 2. badbrain says, statistics would prove THAT wrong...
panel 3. mainbrain says, not infinite relationship possibilities! based on statistics, I probably only have like four possible compatible matches in a 100-miles radius anyway. But that's not what I mean. I don't have to be in a relationship to be fulfilled.
panel 4. badbrain says, according to the media, advertising, general cultural norms, and your grandmother's continued questioning regarding your relationship status, you do.
panel 5. mainbrain is irritated. so?!! badbrain says so now you're some kind of big-shot social deviant?
panel 6. mainbrain says no. I just don't want to be confined by the limits of what other people find profitable. Frankly, I don't want to be confined at all!
panel 7. badbrain rolls his eyes. Maybe your passion about this is why you are single in the first place.
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