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badbrain 17.
panel 1. badbrain says, some would argue that you can experience the stages of grief after any loss... mainbrain says so according to that theory, if this IS a grief resonse, then i am most assuredly NOT dying?
panel 2. badbrain smiles. apparently. i didn't take the class. you did.
panel 3. closeup on mainbrain growling. rrrrrrrr.....
panel 4. closeup on badbrain's evil smile. ooh! there's stage two again! you've still got it!
panel 5. we see a ball of arms and horns and feet and baseball caps as badbrain and mainbrain fight in a ball of chaos.
panel 6. the thought bubble pops, poof! closeup to real mainbrain, who says well, THAT escalated quickly...
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